Friday, November 04, 2005

bad math

OK, in the last post, I bragged about having 87 gifts purchased thus far for Christmas. Well, that's actually an underestimation because it didn't include the gifts that go into the stockings! Throw in a couple more procured since Wednesday, and the number now stands firmly at 225. That's right -- 225! There are a mere 29 items remaining on my holiday To Get list. At a bare minimum, I will get five of them over the weekend. I may try to do more. Maybe.

This isn't as crazy as it sounds. Nieces, nephews, goddaughters, siblings, parents, friends... it's a good-sized group of people. Oh and actually, it's a bit of an overestimation in places because it includes Christmas-proximate birthdays for which we shop simultaneously. Then, the stocking gifts are small in nature and cost (just large in number). OK, I guess the 225 number sounds more impressive than it is. Although I contend that it's still a feat because there are, in fact, 225 individual items involved here. Actually, more than that because that number doesn't include all the stocking candy (which, if counted by piece, would certainly inflate this number to impressive levels!) and the stockings themselves (not actually stockings but clever receptacles to hold stocking-type goodies). The assembly line required to fill the stockings is quite a production! It takes the entire dining room table (with two extra leaves) and most of the chairs to organize it. The cats are usually a big help.

Wow, serious digression at the end of that monster paragraph. A sure sign that I'm tired. Time to go dream of sugar plum fairies.

Real post time 12:47am


Chrysanthemum said...

It's not so much the volume of gifts (I have 7 neices and nephews to buy for, in addition to assorted others. It's more the military precision with which you carry it out. I must give you credit where credit is due.

I'm also a big fan of the holidays. I'm hoping to put the tree up the day after Thanksgiving this year. I think it stems from my mother having her birthday on December 23d. Christmas has always been a three day holiday for my family.

kellycoxsemple said...

I love the idea of military precision holiday preparation! But it is in direct conflict with the volume issue because two rooms in our house are overrun with stuff. The sargeant would not approve of the mess!

We have a plethora of birthdays around Christmas, too. My sister is five days after, mine is 10 days after. Now, with nieces and nephews, they're scattered all over the winter calendar. It's all about streamlining!