Saturday, December 17, 2005

on your mark, get set, go!

It was a late night. I stayed up for an hour and a half after posting. By the time I was ready to sleep, Ted was awake and wrestling with a chest cold. I convinced him to come back to bed, and I would try to help him fall asleep. It was nearly 3:00am before I just couldn't stay awake with him anymore. He fidgeted for the next few hours and left for work around 7:30am. Poor thing.

I had the luxury of sleeping in a bit more, and now I'm preparing to start my list of chores. I don't look forward to any store the Saturday morning before Christmas, but I must complete my list! Thankfully, the items are small in number and easily procured. No tug-of-wars for that last scarf on sale. I may blog again today between baking or when I need a break.

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