Sunday, May 08, 2005

catching up

I'm not really here to catch up: I couldn't do it justice at this hour of the night. But I did want to poke my head out so it's at least slightly evident that I'm still alive. I was in Chicago most of the past week, and other busy life things continue to require my time.

I want to mention a few important milestones. About a month ago, my parents celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary. Impressive, isn't it? I have siblings with annivesary numbers that are also impressive. One brother approaches his 23rd anniversary this summer, and another hits his 18th shortly after that. My sister reaches her 20th in the fall. I'm the toddler by a stretch, with just my 7th approaching in October.

My nephew, Josh, turned 17 the day before yesterday. That means that yesterday was the 17th anniversary of my college graduation (his parents were understandably unable to attend the ceremony!). Josh is a smart kid with cool hair, a penchant for alternative music, and a soft spot for the youngest cat in their house. No wonder he and I get along so well.

Josh and Cosmo - February 2005

I've also spent a bit of time and most of the last two Saturdays of April working on my Rebuilding Together project. This is the fourth year I've coordinated this, and the fifth project (one house required two years). In all, 45 volunteers from my office participated. This picture is only a portion of the first group, but it also includes the homeowners -- sisters, Gladys (in aqua, upper right) and Vicky (in pink, in front of Gladys).

First RT crew - April 23, 2005

Today is Mothers' Day. My husband has to work, so we will be with neither my mother nor his stepmother to celebrate the day. They both understand, but it's always a bit sad not to be able to spend the time with them.

We made it to New Hampshire a few weeks ago, to visit my family and for Ted to attend an Arena Football game with our friends, Sam and Donna (Josh went in my place). I don't know if we'll make it there this month, but we'll be back in mid-June when my oldest nephew, Andrew, graduates from high school.

This is the moment where a tear or two quietly trails down my cheek. My little punkin... is going to college in the fall. Wow. I have two pictures I was going to put here, but Picasa/Hello isn't cooperating. Perhaps tomorrow.

ADDENDA (a couple days later)

Andrew, my 3¾-year old punkin, in 1990

Andrew, my 17½-year old punkin, with Peg for prom in 2004

All right, for not actually catching up, that took more than an hour. It's now officially the middle of the night (didn't I have this conversation long ago?), and I must get to bed.

Oh, one more thing. A poll. I wanted to put this in my side bar, but it was making it all ugly. And I just figured out how to center the blog again, so I'm not tampering with it. Here is my highly scientific survey. For some unknown reason, there's a ton of blank space between the end of this paragraph and the beginning of the survey -- even though my HTML looks just dandy. I'll figure it out later, too.

What's your suggestion for Kelly's solution to midlife crisis?
Ratchet up work to "career" status and become Director within one year. Then aggressively pursue executive role.
Scale work back to "job" status and spend the extra time in leisurely pursuits.
Keep work the same and just better organize personal time.
Spend personal time researching how to make a living doing what you love, and do it on the side until it's financially feasible to make it full time.
Concentrate on reading more books and writing more poetry to soothe the soul in crisis.
Be brave! Quit work and cash out the 401(k). Take some time off, re-group, then figure out a way to make a living.
Get over it. Be responsible, like everyone else your age.
You're not even 40 yet!

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