Saturday, January 07, 2006

a sign of things to come

I woke up at 3:39am on a Saturday to go to work. I'm already showered and ready to go. The next four months are going to be a trip.


Michelle said...

Are you crazy?? What are you doing the next four months that requires you to get up in the middle of the night to go to work on Saturday???

kellycoxsemple said...

Hi Meet-shell. Big, big project at work. A conference that takes place in early May. As obnoxious as it is, working on Saturday is actually beneficial because I can concentrate on my tasks with little interruption (although there is usually still someone who is also working on Saturday, and I end up spending time in an email conversation about something I didn't plan to work on!). I'm off to work now (5:30am), although it's a real work day.